Healing and forgiveness is available for you.
We are here to help you.
Get freedom from the pain and guilt of abortion and/or miscarriage with the loving acceptance that focuses on Christ’s forgiveness and healing.
Our healing programs provide a confidential and non-judgmental environment.
What to expect:
- A 14-week small group Bible study led by lay counselors.
- Rachel’s Vineyard co-ed weekend (Fri.-Sun.) healing retreat. Led by pastors, licensed ministers, clinicians (psychologist and MFT’s), and lay counselors. Rachel’s Vineyard is the largest post-abortion ministry in the world.
- Work through the denial (release the secret) in a safe place and share the pain of your past abortion/miscarriage experience.
- Deal with issues of guilt and depression, and accept God’s forgiveness.
- Heal from feelings of anger and unforgiveness toward yourself and others involved in the abortion/miscarriage.
- Grieve the loss of the child(ren).
- Embrace acceptance (receive and embrace God’s truth).
- Learn new ways to successfully deal with the ongoing reminders of the experience.